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My Personal Manifesto

My PASSION is to inspire others to see their own unique beautiful light and to let it shine.  To be an inspiration to someone else in their darkness



  • serving others

  • growth and transformation

  • adventure, curiosity and creativity

To learn about my own personal mental health journey read my blog article "About Me..."  

What I know to be true is…


“You create your thoughts and your thoughts create your reality.  So, think better thoughts and create a better reality.”  When you change your mind, you WILL change your life.


“Life is short. Live your dream and share your passion.”  If you can hold it in your mind, you can hold it in your hands.  Your imagination is your superpower to manifesting your greatest life.  Don’t ever let yourself believe there’s only one ending to your life’s story.


At the time, you made the best choices and decisions.  Now you know better.  “Hindsight is always 20/20.”  Change is constant and continual.  All of your experiences, good and bad, are lessons that prepare you to make better choices and better decisions.


You are worthy.  And you are more than enough.  Everything you need to know to succeed is already inside you.  Follow your heart.


Do it scared but “Just do it!”  Have the courage to show up and do your best when you have no control over the outcome.  And YES, failure is an option and a good one.  Failing is the fastest way to grow.  Without failure there is no growth.  “Confidence is gained by being vulnerable enough to try and fail and try again.”  Be unstoppable.


Comparison is the thief of happiness.  If you want to find happiness, count your blessings.  All the happiness you deserve is within you.  “Happiness comes from feeling at peace with who you are and how you spend your time.”


Love conquers all.  Love is always the answer, no mater what the question.  We are made to love, empower and connect.  We all just want to be seen and heard.  “Love is a verb.  Not a permanent state of enthusiasm.”  If you are looking for love, look in the mirror.  Be the best example of what it looks like to love you.


“Whatever you are doing today, do it with the confidence of a four-year-old in a batman t-shirt.” 


And yes “laughter is the best medicine.” 

Work Experience and Qualifications

Certified Consulting Hypnotist NGH® (National Guild of Hypnotists),

Cobourg Centre for Hypnosis, Master Hypnotist Mary McCandless, 2021


MindScaping, Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy, 2021


RTT® (Rapid Transformation Therapy) Practitioner & Hypnotist, 2021


Usui Reiki Level 1, Horst Nussbaum, 2003

Usui Reiki Level 2, Horst Nussbaum, 2004

Usui Reiki Level 3, Judy Ward, 2006

Usui Reiki Master Level, David Best, 2012


Chakra Testing and Balancing Course, Judy Ward, 2009


Chakra Repair Master, David Best, 2013


Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner, 2019

Certified Advanced Ho'oponopono Practitioner, 2019


IET® (Integrated Energy Therapy) Basic Level, Judy Ward, 2009

IET® Intermediate Level, Judy Ward, 2009

IET® Advanced Level, Judy Ward, 2009



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