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What is a Limiting Belief?

Writer's picture: Janice dirksenJanice dirksen

According to Tony Robins “Limiting beliefs are the stories we tell ourselves about who we are that hold us back from becoming who we are meant to be.” Limiting beliefs create a state of mind that restricts us in some way from reaching our full potential. They are a judgment about ourselves that WE believe is TRUE and are buried in our subconscious mind. We aren’t even aware of them until someone else points them out for us. All humans experience them, but learning how to identify them, will help you work on changing them and unlock your unlimited potential. Change your MIND, change your LIFE!

We have all caught ourselves saying, “I’m not good at this, so I’m not even going to try”. This perpetual negative self-talk holds us back from experiencing new opportunities and life experiences. New opportunities and life experiences create life lessons, and those lessons are neither good nor bad, they are just feedback. It all comes down to how you were taught to internalize this feedback, as fear or potential.

“The human brain is wired to conserve energy. We seek certainty in our routines,

relationships and jobs. We’re often averse to risk and don’t want to get out of

our comfort zones. And we only invest energy into taking action when we believe

it will produce results. When we don’t believe we can get results – when we

don’t have a deep belief in ourselves – we give up before we start. We don’t

put in our full effort. We sabotage our own success. That’s the very definition

of limiting beliefs.”

Tony Robins

If I had believed my skydiving instructor when he said ‘this isn’t for you’, I never would have had one of the most influential and unique experiences of my life. I went on to meet amazing people and enjoy many extraordinary adventures, filled with laughter and yes occupationally painful ones too (bumps, bruises and sprains). As soon as the instructor said I couldn’t do it, I knew if I didn’t face my fears I wouldn’t fulfill my childhood dream, so I got up and jumped out of that plane, and I don’t regret it one bit.

Photo Courtesy of “Fuzzy” Dave Hatherley

Here are some of the most common limiting beliefs:

  • I’m not good enough

  • I’m unlovable

  • I’m not deserving

  • I’ll never be successful

  • I don’t have enough experience

  • I’m not smart/talented enough

  • I’m too old or too young

  • I can’t change

Where do limiting beliefs come from? Our childhood. As children we are constantly absorbing information, including limiting beliefs and we simply accept them as the true, because our brains are still developing and we don’t have the ability yet to understand how the world around us works. For example, if your parents continually say things like, “money doesn’t grow on trees”, you might form a limiting belief that you don’t deserve to have money. If as child you were often the last one picked up by a parent or caregiver, you may assume the limiting belief I don’t matter. And each time you were left standing on curb waiting to be picked up you receiving reinforcement that I don’t matter.

Some limiting beliefs come from our trauma and past experiences and affect our relationships as adults. If you experienced abuse (mental, physical, sexual and emotional) as a child you may find it hard to have healthy connections with others and be left wondering why you can’t I maintain a relationship. You may even leave before the relationship has a chance to flourish because you fear it will just breakdown in the end. In this case you may believe I’m not worthy or deserving of love.

How can you identify limiting beliefs? Be honest with yourself. Think about the following questions, journaling the answers may even bring more insight into the areas of your life that you feel limited.

  • Where in my life am I afraid or anxious to take action?

  • What areas of my life do I want to change and improve?

  • Where do I see myself in 5 years and what is keeping me from getting there?

Once you have identified the areas of your life that you want to change and the limiting beliefs that are holding you back you can start to make positive changes with the help of a consulting hypnotist. Hypnosis works directly with the subconscious mind to gently dismantle the limiting belief permanently and replace it with a new and healthy belief. The new healthy belief will in turn affect your feelings and actions in a positive way creating the life changes you desire.

To bring about the desired permanent change, it’s crucial to access the subconscious mind and inspire it with the client’s own powerful words and language. I create a personalized script to customize the sessions to the needs of each client. During a session I may also use, RTT® (Rapid Transformational Therapy), inner child work, and healing energy modalities (Healing Vortex, Reiki, Chakra Repair) along with traditional hypnosis. The client then listens to the personalized recording for 21 to 28 days to bring about permanent change. Please note more than 1 session may be required depending on the situation, no two clients are the same.

Hypnosis is not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or any other health care practitioner. All content presented in this blog is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims made in this blog represent an ideal outcome. Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed. Although Hypnosis has an incredibly high success rate, Janice cannot and does not guarantee results since the clients own personal success depends on many factors that Janice cannot control. Janice is not a licensed physician, psychologist, or medical practitioner and the information, techniques, methods and recommendations by Janice are not intended to substitute for diagnosis and care by a physician, nor to encourage the treatment of any illness by persons not recognizably qualified. If you have any questions or concerns it is best to consult with your medical provider.

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© 2021, Janice Dirksen - Let Go and Shine | Spiritual Wellness Healing, Reiki, Energy Work, RTT Rapid Transformational Therapy, Hypnosis, Clinical Hypnotherapy,  | Reiki Therapy Serving the Greater Kingston, Napanee, Picton, Quinte, and Peterborough regions of Ontario, Canada Proudly created by

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